Out of body experiences. Astral projection. You may have heard of it. The gist is that you get to a higher spiritual plane, and you get to leave your body and wander around as a spirit-type-deal. Very trippy.
It's actually a real thing though. Not in the spirit world, avatar-state way, but in an actual, brain-spaz type way. It's a little bit self-hypnosis, a little bit hypnagogia, stage 1-3 sleep.
See, if you want to have a certain dream badly enough, and you think about it all day, right up until you're about to fall asleep, chances are you will have elements of that dream. Particularly in the pre-deep sleep alpha-wave period, when you're not quite out yet.
Folk who have had these out-of-body experiences (or OBE's) tend to be in awe of how real they are. Yup. As a person who has a tendency towards some pretty legit hypnogogic hallucinations, I can vouch for the fact that that shit seems real. But that doesn't mean it IS real. If it was, then some pretty weird stuff has gone down in my room.
In sum, freaky stuff can happen when your brain feels chill.
P.S. Thanks to my madre for posing for me. You rock!