Basically this guy David Icke thinks that the world is run by a bunch of shape-shifting reptiles who disguise themselves as the likes of George W. Bush, the Queen, Tony Blair, and Boxcar Willie (?). They're called the Babylonian Brotherhood, and they come from somewhere in the constellation Draco but also in another dimension, and now that they're here they live underground. They supposedly want a mineral called "monoatomic gold" which gives them super powers if they eat it, which leaves me wondering why we don't know about this super-rock. It is our planet after all.
Anywho they made little reptile-babies with some humans, and the "crossbreeds" now rule the world. Oh, and they can shape-shift because they drink human blood. Lovely.
I went to his website ( and promptly felt myself panicking because (a) the world is ending, (b) no one knows about it, and (c) it's my responsibility to get the word out. But then I remembered that I have a brain, and I used it. And I stopped panicking because no one even needs to explain why the whole reptile theory isn't true. It's a wonderful example of someone just saying things and being like "You guys! It's true!" And then people who have forgotten that they have a brain and free will believe it.
Moral of story: You have a brain. Use it.
For good measure here's a picture of the Queen which I made a little reptilian. I fiddled with her eyes and gave her some scaly bits. Pretty simple.

P.S. Here's a video of Tony Blair being a reptile. It looks to me like his eyes are reflecting something, but I think too much.
The comments are quite entertaining/sad.
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