Sunday, July 10, 2011


I'm bored so I've been looking for something investigative like to do this summer. BUT THERE IS NOTHING. I don't mean that in the classic "there are no jobs sense" (although that is also true), I mean there is no middle ground.

The "believers" are all like "IT COULD ONLY HAVE BEEN AN ALIEN" and the skeptics are all like "YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING AT ALL". Legit.

The problem is that the crazy folks' websites try to seem all reasonable, and then BOOM! Their files talk about regressing people, when everyone knows that memories "recovered" with hypnotism should be taken with a grain of salt at best. (If you don't believe me see Lynn, Lock, Myers, and Payne, 1997. Apparently they did a study. Which I cannot find at this moment because I rock at research.)

So I am VERY VERY bored and frustrated. It's like, if you already know all the answers, why do you bother with investigation? I am sad. Neither side is bothering to think. The skeptics tend to get away with it because they're generally right, but that doesn't change the fact that they approach their investigations already having decided what they're going to find.

It's like this: we have the believers who already know what they believe. Then we have the skeptics who only seem to want to prove the believers wrong. There's no one investigating with an open mind, not knowing what they're going to find.

Now that I'm done making huge generalizations and alienating myself from both sides of the issue, here's a picture of a unicorn:

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